Sunday, July 5, 2009

long weekend

If every weekend was three days long I'm pretty sure my life would be perfect. 

We've had a nice time so far these few days. Even though the fourth was rainy, it cleared up for most of the important parts: the parade in the morning and the fireworks. David slept through most of the parade, despite every single noisy float/band stopping right in front of us. Oh, to sleep like a baby. What he did see he seemed to enjoy. 

(Sidenote: David's getting HUGE. Almost 20 pounds already, can you believe it?)

Later we had some friends and Mike's family over for dinner. It was fun. I have to admit though. .  the part of the evening I enjoyed most was when everyone went to the fireworks and I stayed home with a sleeping David and the dog. Now that I'm a mom, I'm finding that I have very little quality alone time. As much as I love my husband and baby, sometimes it's nice to just be by myself. So after everyone left last night, I put the ipod on shuffle, cleaned up the house, caught up on folding laundry for the first time in months, and generally just enjoyed the solitude. The fireworks go off only a few blocks from our house, so near the end I walked out onto the front sidewalk and caught a glimpse of a few. That was enough for me. 


justem said...

I love being by myself. Justin feels bad when I go out to the grocery store or Target by myself at night, but he doesn't realize that it's really saving me from going insane! ;)

David gets cuter and cuter every day!!!

tara pollard pakosta said...

HI! I just found your blog from your guest spot at TAIF! love your work! I live in Plainfield IL about 33 miles from Chicago>! I love scrapbooking! do you ever go to Windy City scrapbook store?!