Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Missed connections

Caravaggio, Calling of Saint Matthew. San Luigi Dei Francesi, Rome.

Tonight was the last night of my art history class before the final. Despite being slightly stressed about having to do homework and write papers again, I couldn't have asked for anything more. It's really renewed my passion for art history. I keep leaving the library loaded down with giant art books.

However. Since this was mostly a Renaissance course (Europe 1300-1750), a lot of the things we covered were already familiar to me, having already seen and studied them. And lived next door to them. For as much as I saw in Rome, I keep discovering so much more I never saw, never bothered to stop into, or never even knew were right beneath my nose.

We looked at this Caravaggio in class tonight. I love it, the light and the positioning of the hands. Paintings like this are hard to process as slides or images in books though. The real thing is a million times better. So, to torture myself, I looked up its location. Here's a little map.

yellow line=my walk home from class a few nights a week.


1 comment:

heather said...

Grazie per la comment (?!) sulla mia blog (top 20 of 2006). Ho letto qui che hai studiato a roma? Anchi'o ho studiato a firenze, la storia dell'arte. I love your blog and miss Florence to no end and all the treasures that I lived right around the corner from (like Michelangelo's HOUSE), literally. I did the Syracuse program in Florence. Who were you abroad with? And was it undergrad or master's?

I hope you pick up some of the albums I recommended, and if you ever want to, we can talk Italian pop music as well, my secret passion.


Nice to "meet" you.
PS - I love Caravaggio, and the Bernini museum in Roma, among others.