Monday, November 23, 2009

see ya round :)

hi friends.

So. . . i think i'm officially shutting this blog down. I don't have enough time or energy to share anything in depth anymore. I always feel like it's neglected, so it may as well just go the way of so many other blogs. . .

I'm plenty of other places on the web, so I doubt you'll miss me. Facebook is where I post family and baby photos (my profile is Katharine Licht), my flickr is for art/scrapbooking (when i actually get the chance to do those things), I'm kind of more active on tumblr, and of course there's twitter, too.

Thanks for reading, it was fun while it lasted! If I ever start anything else I'm sure I'll let you know somehow. :)


kimberly said...

Dislike. ;) At least I can keep in touch through other ways.

justem said...

aw sad!
but i understand.
it's hard to be so many places on the internet!!! i'll keep track of you elsewhere. ;)

PAMMIE said...

I need to do this too. I think I want to turn my posts into a book or something, then shut it down. I just don't have the time or the energy to maintain it. Though it's a really nice idea...

Anonymous said...

though looking at my blogs I should do the same.

Katie said...

Sad to see this go! But totally understand. I shut down my personal blog as well. It always loomed over me and I felt depressed about it. It definitely helped lighten the load!

willikat said...

Sad dude. I'll miss your blog.

SabinePsynopsis said...

Shame, I just discovered your blog. Anyway, wishing you a very Happy New Year and good luck with all your other activities. Sabine x